Business blocks

The Centre for materials

The Centre for materials examines the raw material for the production of building materials, as well as quality control of finished products.
Also, the Centre for materials is testifying construction and building elements in terms of sound, heat and fire protection.
Approval testing of products is carried out under the authority of a YUAT.

The main activity of the Centre for metals and energetics is testing metals and mechanical equipment using destructive or non-destructive methods. In addition, experts from the Centre for metals and energetics are involved in the design, as well as providing consulting services.
The Centre for roads and geotechnics to projects new and analyzes existing pavement, to regular quality control of materials and workmanship. We constantly carry out research in the field of mechanics of the roads, as well as geomechanical tests for the design and construction of a large number of objects.
The main activities of the Centre for structures and prestressing are: architectural and building design, consulting in the field of construction, development and implementation of a system of prestressing, as well as the manufacture, supply and service of equipment for prestressing
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