The Centre for roads and geotechnique - References
Laboratory for roads and geotechnique
The Laboratory for roads and geotechnique is accredited by the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) according to SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The scope of accreditation includes the following as the subject of testing: soil, stone aggregate, stone flour, bitumen, bitumen emulsions, asphalt mixtures, testing of traffic signals, sampling of soil, stone aggregate, stone flour and asphalt mixtures, as well as field tests of geotechnical structures-piles.
An important area of activity is quality control of built-in materials for infrastructure facilities (roads, railways, bridges, dams, industrial facilities, airports, residential-business complexes, etc.).
The engineers of the laboratory actively participate in the work of the national technical commissions of the Institute for Standardization of Serbia (commission U227: Materials for roads, commission U182: Geotechnics and commission B336: Bitumen, bituminous binders and flexible tapes for waterproofing), as experts on the adoption of Serbian standards and confirmation of European standards.
The recent references:
- Quality control of embedded material during the construction of highways on corridors X and XI
- Laboratory geomechanical tests for the construction of the Bistrice Dam on the Pest River
- Quality control of the installed materials during the construction of the Arilje dam and reservoir – Svračkovo profile
- Highway Preljina – Požega
- Highway Ruma – Šabac
- Highway Surčin – New Belgrade
- Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport
- More industrial facilities and roads
- Field and laboratory (control and ongoing) geomechanical testing of the quality and installation of soil and unbound materials for the needs of road construction and other types of traffic surfaces, foundation of various construction facilities and rehabilitation of landslides and other types of instability
- Sampling of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples
- Consulting services for the execution of all types of earthworks
- Supervision over the construction of embankment dams and quality control of the material incorporated in embankment dams, etc.
- Sampling and testing of component materials that make up asphalt mixtures (stone aggregates, stone flour, road bitumen and polymer-modified bitumen) and bitumen emulsions
- Sampling and testing the quality of all types of asphalt mixtures before and after installation for the purposes of design, ongoing or control tests
- Taking asphalt samples from the embedded layer by coring
- Quality control of asphalt production on asphalt bases, production of working compositions of asphalt mixtures and monitoring of the asphalt installation process on the construction site
- Production of conventional and special previous asphalt mixtures
- Consulting services in the execution of asphalt works
- Testing of specific dynamic characteristics of asphalt mixtures and samples from the finished road surface